Monday, December 27, 2021

My 2022 Goals


   I think we can all agree that 2021 has been a pretty rough year for all of us, with the pandemic raging on and disrupting different aspects of our lives and leaving us feeling like life had been paused once again. That being said, I can't quite believe that 2021 is almost over and another year has almost finished, it feels like my birthday was only a week or two ago! Thanks to coronavirus, my goals for the past year didn't all quite come to fruition, but I do set them quite loosely without strict timeframes, so here's hoping 2022 leaves more room for these to be achieved! 

Be More Present

Along with a lot of other people, I feel like I have beome a bit too preoccupied and attached to my digital devices over the past year, so I am hoping to be a lot more present and engaged in the moment. From sitting down to have a conversation over dinner with my mum after work without being distracted by my phone, to being less fixated on taking photos at family occassions and enjoy the company of my relatives, being more present is my main focus for 2022. 

Be Braver with my Creative Writing 

Over the last few years, I've really dedicated a lot more time to my creative writing and honing my craft, so in 2022, I would like to finally have the courage to send a book off to a publishers. It may not end up in a major publishing deal just yet, but it is a crucial step in realising my career goal of becominga writer full time. There have been many times I have sat in front of my laptop screen and found publishers, but have never had the nerve to click the 'Submit' button of a manuscript, 2022 will be different. 

Make More Time for Hobbies 

With a busy worklife which usually ends up with me feeling like my brain is too tired to even consider doing anything other than preparing for the next day, I want to develop a better work/life balance so that my hobbies don't fall by the wayside. I love art, and during lockdown I rediscovered my passion for painting an drawing, and even if it's just spending a couple of hours putting paint to paper or creating something fabulous with my Cricut machine, I want to dedicate more time to what I love to do. 

Start a Project 

A lightbulb moment for a small business came to me last year, and despite developing some ideas I never did anything with it. I think I need to get over my imposter syndrome first and build up some more self belief, but I'm hoping to give it a proper go. Who knows? Maybe it will even go some way to helping me save for a deposit on a house of my own. 

What are your goals for 2022?
Share them below!


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